Covid19 checklist Survey

With  Covid19 mutations disrupting businesses and lives all over the world. There are people with mixed Responses and behavior regarding the truthfulness of the existence of covid19, Its severity, and preventive measures. We are carrying out a survey to measure the opinion of the public on the existence of covid19 and it impact there off.

According to the survey, the general population has a limited understanding of covid19, including the disease’s seriousness. A look at their anti-infection efforts

Inquiries have been raised

  • What do you think about the Covid 19 vaccine?
  • In Nigeria, do you know about Covid19 Delta Variant
  • Is it a priority for you that your beloved ounces follow covid19’s rules?
  • Your level of compliance with covid19 prevention rules, such as social separation and using nasal masks, will be rated.
  • Tell us why you’re or aren’t willing to get the covid19 vaccine.

“Covid19” is a virus that affects the lungs and brain, doing severe damage to both. It’s also a primary cause of viral pneumonia, which can be fatal. In order to enter your body, the coronavirus must go through a moist channel. Because it is a contagious disease, it can only be contracted by coming into touch with infected person’s saliva or mucus.

Because of a lack of competent healthcare facilities, the coronavirus has killed many individuals in the Middle East and in Europe.


Scientists continually study about the disease and believe that the virus started in animals. One or more human beings at some point got an animal infection and the afflicted people started distributing infections to other human beings.
The disease is spread by infectious air droplets from person to person which is projected while sneezing or coughing. It can also be transferred when people have contact with hands and surfaces that have the virus and with infected hands touch their eyes, nose, or mouth.

See also  Covid19 Vaccine acceptance in Nigeria public Opinion Survey

First reported in China, COVID-19 has already expanded worldwide.

Take Covid19 Vaccines acceptance in Nigeria survey

Covid19 Statistics in Nigeria